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The Bylaws of The Human Factors Transforming Healthcare Network
Purpose, Mission, & Vision


1.1 Purpose

Support and Empowerment: Support Human Factors professionals in healthcare with resources, training, and a community to foster their growth and impact.

Collaboration and Networking: Create opportunities for professionals to collaborate, share knowledge, and develop best practices across the country.

Promotion of Best Practices: Advocate for the integration of human-centered design and evidence-based solutions within healthcare systems.

Further Expansion of the Profession: Foster the growth of Human Factors in hospitals by actively promoting our discipline to hospital associations and safety organizations.


1.2 Mission

To build a robust network of Human Factors professionals who work together to embed the principles of Human Factors into healthcare and hospital systems nationwide. We foster collaboration, provide valuable resources, and support professional development to cultivate a safer, more efficient healthcare environment.


1.3 Vision

A healthcare system where human factors principles are embedded in every aspect of patient care, ensuring safety, quality, and efficiency through collaborative, human-centered practices.

The Board

2.1 Qualifications and Number

The Board shall be the founding members of the HFTH Network for the first three years. After the first three years, the Board shall be the five elected Officers and five additional Board Members at-large.

2.2 Term

The term of Officer and Non-Officer Board Members shall be four years. After four years, any Officer and Non-Officer interested in staying on the Board must reapply. 


All positions are for Four years, but the Chairperson, Clinical Chair, and Public Relations Chair will be elected on odd years. The Secretary and Student Representative will be elected on even years. The Non-Officer Board Members may step down after two years, even or odd years do not apply.


2.3 Compensation

Board members shall not receive compensation for their services.


2.4 General Powers

The business and affairs of the Network shall be managed by the Board, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws. The Board may amend and approve the bylaws. Any changes to the bylaws must be communicated to the Membership.


2.5 Committees

The Board may designate, from among its Members, one or more committee. Each committee, shall have the authority of the Board, except the following actions:

  • Distributions of grants or corporate assets (unless authorized by the Board)

  • The amendment, adoption, or repeal of these bylaws

  • Sell, lease, exchange, or any other disposition of the Network’s property


Officer Nominating Committee

2.5.1 Officer Nominating Committee Purpose

The primary role and function of the Officer Nominating Committee is to identify Officer candidates.

2.5.2 Officer Nominating Committee Qualifications and Eligibility

The Chairperson appoints the Nominating Committee, while the Immediate Past Chairperson serves as the Chair of the Committee. There must be a minimum of three Members of the Nominating Committee, and always an uneven number of members to prevent voting ties. All Nominating Committee Members must be a Member of the Network in good standing.


Members of the Nominating Committee are not themselves eligible to be nominated or run as an Officer during their time on the Nominating Committee.


The Nominating Committee is responsible for collecting nominations, counting ballot votes, and announcing election results to the Membership.


Membership Committee

2.5.3 Membership Committee Purpose

The primary role and function of the Membership Committee is to approve and review Membership Applications.

2.5.4 Membership Committee Qualifications and Eligibility

The Membership Chair serves as the Chair of the Membership Committee. The Membership Chair appoints the remaining members of the Membership Committee. There must be a minimum of three Members of the Membership Committee, and always an uneven number of members to prevent voting ties. All Membership Committee Members must be a Member of the Network in good standing.


Events Committee

2.5.5 Events Committee Purpose

The primary role and function of the Events Committee is to plan and execute exciting and interesting events for the Members of the Network.


2.5.6 Events Committee Qualifications and Eligibility

The Public Relations Chair serves as the Chair of the Events Committee. Any Member in good standing may join the Events Committee. There is no limit to the number of members on the Events Committee.


2.6 Board Meetings

Board meetings will be held in-person or using technology. Over the course of a year, the Board will meet at least 10 times. Board members will be expected to attend a minimum of six of the 10 meetings.


60% of the Board in attendance shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is needed to pass any vote brought to the Board, unless otherwise specified in this document.


2.7 Removal

Any Board Member who misses 50% of the Board meetings each year of his/her term due to unexcused absences shall be removed from the Board.


Non-Officer Board Members


3.1 Qualifications and Eligibility

Non-officer (additional) Board Members must be a Member in good standing, may be from any Membership committee, and may be a past elected Officer. The term of a Non-Officer Board Member shall be two years and automatically renews.


3.2 Compensation, Powers, and Removal

Non-Officer Board Members must adhere to all items from article 2.0 “The Board” (2.1 – 2.8) listed above.


3.3 Duties

While not elected Officers, additional Board Members will be responsible for five primary duties:


  1. Duty of Care: Take care of the Network by ensuring prudent use of all assets, including facility, people, and good will.

  2. Duty of Loyalty: Ensure that the Network’s activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission; Recognize and disclose conflicts of interest; Make decisions that are in the best interest of the Network, not in the best interest of any one individual (e.g., Board Member, Officer, or Member).

  3. Duty of Obedience: Ensure the Network obeys applicable laws and regulations; follows its own bylaws; and that the Network adheres to its stated purpose, mission, and vision.

  4. Duty of Guidance: Provide guidance by contributing to the culture, strategic focus, effectiveness, and financial sustainability of the Network.

  5. Duty of Advocacy: Serve as ambassadors and advocates for Human Factors in healthcare.


3.4 Submission Process

In addition to the five Officers, the Board must include three or five additional Non-Officer Board Members from among the Members.


When an additional seat (or seats) become available on the Board, the existing Board must make a call for submissions to all HFTH Members. Any Member interested in being on the Board must submit:

  • A recent CV or resume

  • A strongly written response to the statement, “Please describe why you would like to be part of the HFTH Board”

  • A written response to any supplemental questions the current Board may require (when applicable)

  • Interview times. If necessary, the Board may interview any applicants for a further evaluation


Submissions will be accepted for one month. After submissions are closed, the existing Board will be required to review submissions and vote.


3.4 Voting

The Nominating Committee will collect all submissions and share them with the rest of the Board. 


The Board will review the submissions before gathering (in person or virtually) to vote. 


Once voting is complete, the Nominating Committee will contact all applicants to inform them of their acceptance or refusal as a Non-Officer Board Member. The Nominating Committee will announce the results to the Membership after applicants are notified. 




4.1 Number

There shall be 5 elected Officers of the Network, the Chairperson, Secretary, Public Relations Chair,  Clinical Chair, and Student Representative. Officers may appoint assistant Officers, as they consider necessary.


4.2 Qualifications

To be a candidate for Chairperson and Membership Chair, an individual must be a Full Member  in good standing. To be a candidate for any other Officer position, an individual must be a Member in good standing.


4.3 Term

Officers must adhere to the same Term limits as written in article 2.2.


4.4 Compensation

Officers shall not receive compensation for their services.


4.5 Resignation

Any Officer may resign by submitting a letter of resignation to the Chairperson. When an Officer resigns, they forfeit their eligibility for any Officer or Non-Officer Board Member position for two years after the date of their resignation.


4.6 Authority and Duties


4.6.1 Chairperson

The Chairperson of the Network is a Full Member, Healthcare Human Factors (HHF) Practitioner of the Network.


The Chairperson shall:

  • Be the executive Officer of the Network

  • Oversee all business and affairs of the Network

  • Provide vision, mission, leadership, and direction to the Network

  • Provide direction to develop and grow business of the Network

  • Preside over all meetings of the Network and the Board, unless s/he designates another Member to preside at such meeting(s)

  • Coordinate the Network activities in collaboration with the rest of the Board

  • Structure the Network to ensure continuity of leadership and provide mentorship to the next Chairperson

  • Approve all the Networks communications and events

  • Mentor the Student Representative

  • Collaborate with other healthcare organizations to establish affiliations


4.6.2 Secretary

The Secretary of the Network is a Member of the Network.


The Secretary shall:

  • Chair the Finance and Budget Committee

  • Collaborate with other Officers to plan and execute exciting and interesting events for the Members

  • Supervise and oversee the Chairperson in the management of Network finances

  • Maintain and supervise Network bank accounts

  • Prepare and submit financial statements to the Chairperson and Board on a regular basis

  • Inform Officers of deadlines for reports and other financial duties

  • Create the agenda for all Board and Member meetings

  • Record meeting minutes during Board and Member meetings

  • Distribute meeting minutes to the Board and Members

  • Work with Public Relations Chair to create Annual Report


4.6.3 Clinical Chair

The Clinical Chair of the network is a Member of the Network and a practicing healthcare worker. This includes healthcare workers at all levels of practice (e.g., physician, pharmacist, nurse, respiratory therapist, radiology technician, care assistant, etc.).


The Clinical Chair shall:

  • Represent and provide frontline perspective in Board and Network meetings

  • Recruit other healthcare providers interested in Human Factors

  • Promote Human Factors within their own practice and research

  • Advocate for Human Factors education within the realm of healthcare (e.g., graduate Clinical education, nursing, informatics, continuing education, etc.)


4.6.4 Public Relations Chair

The Public Relations Chair of the Network is a Member of the Network.


The Public Relations Chair shall:

  • Chair the Events Committee

  • Publicize and promote Network activities and events through email, social media, and the HFTH website

  • Maintain correspondence records with Members and external parties

  • Develop and maintain the Network’s website, email, and social media sites

  • Maintain a list of events and attendance statistics throughout the year for annual report

  • *Provide a brief design portfolio or proof of design capabilities to update the Network website (Wix)

4.6.6 Student Representative
The Student Representative of the Network is a student Member (HF Apprentice) of the Network.

The Student Representative shall:

  • Chair the Student Committee

  • Recruit other students interested in healthcare and/or human factors

  • Work with the Student Committee and other Board members to execute student-lead or student-focused events and presentations

  • Work with the Public Relations Chair to promote and recruit students interested in healthcare human factors via social media

  • Be mentored by the Chairperson of the Network

Electing Officers


5.1 Nominations

The Members shall provide the Officer Nominating Committee with eligible candidates to serve on the Board. If no Members nominate a person to an Officer position, the Nominating Committee may submit nominations for that position(s).


At least three months prior to the Annual Human Factors Ergonomics in Health Care Symposium (or an equivalent time determined by the Board), the Nominating Committee shall send a call for Officer nominations to the Members.


5.2 Officer Nomination/Submission Process

The Nominating Committee shall create a nomination process as appropriate for the position, timeline, and process. Upon agreement, the Nominating Committee shall present the process to the board for approval.


5.2.1 Requirements for nominee eligibility:

  • Must have served on an HFTH committee for at least one year to be eligible to run for an Officer position

  • Must be able to allot a minimum of 5 hours a month

  • If necessary for the position, a design portfolio or proof of design ability to update the HFTH website


5.2.2 Considerations for nominee applications:

  • A recent CV or resume

  • A strongly written response to the statement, “Please describe why you would be suited for the [insert Officer position]”

  • Submit a written response to any supplemental questions (e.g., time commitment, scheduling availability, etc.) the Nominating Committee may request

  • Submit two letters of recommendations for all Officer positions (except the Student Representative)

    • From an HFTH Member and/or an external source (not an HFTH Member)

    • From a Human Factors professional (either embedded in a healthcare organization or non-embedded)

  • Submit one letter of recommendation for the Student Representative

    • From a professional (e.g., mentor, professor, HF professional, HHF Practitioner, etc.) 


5.3 Election Ballot

The ballot shall include the names of up to three persons for each Officer position.


If any nominee is found ineligible to stand for an Officer position, the name of the person who ranks next in the number of votes, and who is eligible and willing to stand for office, shall be substituted. The names of the nominees for each Officer position shall be listed in alphabetical order on the ballot.


5.4 Voting for Officers

One month after the election ballots are sent, the election shall be closed. The candidate for each position who receives the most votes shall be elected. Any ties will be brought to the Board and resolved by a Board vote.


5.5 Announcing Election Outcomes

All Officer candidates shall be notified of the outcome of the election. The Nominating Committee shall communicate the names of the newly elected Officers to the Members after all Officer candidates have been notified of the election outcome.



6.1 Classifications and Privileges

There are four Member classifications in which members can join the Network. The right to approve and designate classifications for new Members shall be exercised by the Membership Chair and Membership Committee.


6.1.1 Healthcare Human Factors Practitioner (HHF Practitioner)


HHF Practitioners are considered Full Members of the Network and are:

  • Any person who has a master’s degree or higher in Human Factors/ Human Computer Interaction (HCI) / Industrial Design / Psychology / Engineering / other related disciplines

  • Employed within a healthcare institution or system which provides some form of direct patient care (e.g., not health-tech, drug manufacturing, Clinical device vendors)

  • Holding a formal appointment requiring active operational work (e.g., not research or academic)

    • Titles may include – specialist, consultant, implementation director, engineer, designer, manager, or advisor

  • Operational appointment should at least be 0.2 FTE (20% of time spent working directly within healthcare institutions on operational issues)


6.1.2 Human Factors (HF) Professional


HF Professionals are considered Members of the Network and are:

  • Any person possessing a bachelor’s degree (or higher) in human factors or other related discipline

  • Currently has an active professional career in human factors. Could be any generic or specific HF field (i.e., not required to work in healthcare)


6.1.3 HF Apprentice


HF Apprentices are considered Members of the Network and are:

  • Any person currently undergoing formal education (bachelor’s degree or higher) in human factors

  • Any full-time students showing interest in healthcare human factors


6.1.4 HFTH Champion


HFTH Champions are considered Members of the Network and are:

  • Any person who shares the same HFTH mission and vision (using human factors to improve patient safety, enhance patient care, support care delivery)

  • Any person interested in learning about and/or advocating for the application of human factors in healthcare


6.2 Application for Membership

A candidate for Membership of the Network shall submit a “Membership Application.” The application shall require submitting a CV/resume, job title, current institution, email address, and selecting a Membership classification.


6.3 Membership Approval

The Membership Committee shall vote to approve any candidates and designate membership classification based on applicants’ qualifications and education.


The Membership Committee have the right to contact any applicant for additional information or clarifications on their Membership Application.


6.4 Termination of Membership

Membership of any classification may be terminated at any time by Member resignation or a majority vote from the Board. Termination of membership by vote will occur if a member has failed to abide by the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics.


6.5 Member Meetings

The Annual Meeting of the Network shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board. Presence of more than 50% of Members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Network. A quorum is needed to pass any vote brought to the Members, unless otherwise specified in this document.


6.6 Reserved Powers of Members

Full Members (HHF Practitioners) in good standing with the Network may vote for all Officer positions, hold any Officer position, and participate in all Network activities.


All other membership-types may vote for all Officer positions, may participate in all Network activities, and may hold any Officer position except for Chairperson and Membership Chair.


The Network may affiliate with other professional organizations to promote common purposes. All affiliations must be presented to and approved by the Board with a majority vote.


Affiliations may be proposed by any Member who sees benefit in the affiliation. Any Member who proposes an approved affiliation may be asked to complete other duties associated with the establishment of the affiliation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

The HFTH Network celebrates diversity and believes that equity always has a place in healthcare. Our culture is one of inclusion and belonging, where we honor and value the different experiences of our Members. Additionally, the HFTH community extends beyond the Membership of this Network and we must proactively create safe spaces as we work together, recruit members, hold webinars, and consider the implications of our field.

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